Monday, December 15, 2014

Food Shaming, Week One

So, this is the page of my future personal chef business. It's been sitting here for a week, just collecting views. I'm sorry to have disappointed you all with no content, so I'm gonna make it up to you.

Why? Because I can. This week's product is:

YoCrunch yogurt. Yogurt with candy in it. To tell you the truth, this product was the inspiration for wanting to shame products weekly.

Honestly, I should have taken a photo of the nutritional information, but I was too stunned to think of it. I went to the website and saw that this product is on par with other similar products, so nutritionally I wasn't as big a disappointment as I expected. However, I am still really struggling to get my head around candy in yogurt, granola and dried fruit makes sense, even cookie crumbs doesn't sound like a stretch...but candy?

In my opinion, I feel we are trying too hard to make healthier foods appeal to the masses. Also, as a mother of four children, I see the candy getting eaten and the yogurt getting thrown away, kind of how all those Michelle Obama school lunches get handled.

I confess, and my husband will collaborate, that I love fancy yogurt. I eat a lot of yogurt, so I have to mix it up. I eat the stuff with the steel cut oats, the whipped stuff, the "desserty" stuff. But in my defense I regularly plain minimally tapered with Greek yogurt, and have been known to make my own.

Granted, this whole candy yogurt thing, is likely born of "a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down" thinking. But maybe if we stopped camouflaging the good nutritious food in junk, it would be accepted as what it was, good nutritious food.

Just my two cents, share it with anyone and you're likely to get change.

Nominate your own product for shaking, message me with it, or leave a comment.

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